models: JJ Plush

Yacht party lady gets her revenge

Dakkota wants revenge against the woman that robbed her and made her miss a yacht party. She finds out where she works and brings a strong man to overpower her. They do so easily and drag her around front of the desk and get her tied up. Dakkota stuffs her mouth and wraps her head […]

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Corrupt cops find themselves in big trouble

JJ is a burglar on a job at a house with Lilith and another woman (you can make up a name for this person). JJ had intel that there is a lot of jewelry at this house, presumably in the safe. They cracked the safe and found nothing. JJ believes the jewelry must be in […]

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Get out of here, you are at the wrong house lady!

A sexy boot clad woman is hanging out at home when a leather clad woman comes in and starts talking madness to her and tying her up. The homeowner is very confused at what is going on. The woman that came into the home is a dominatrix hired for a rope kidnapping scene- but she […]

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Helpless in pantyhose

A beautiful fit woman puts on a pair of pantyhose and fixes her lipstick in the mirror before being grabbed by a woman. She finds herself bound at the elbows and down her shapely legs. She struggles on the floor for about 4 minutes before the woman returns and puts a red ballgag in her […]

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Rachel is captive into an oddly newspapered room!

A woman has been keeping Rachel Adams captive. She is nude and bound and hopped into an oddly newspapered room. Rachel is fed many pieces of newspaper that she keeps in her mouth while her mouth is taped shut. Her captor also feeds herself the newspaper. Her body is all taped up an she struggle […]

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The not so super superheroine

Super Girl is looking around a place for something that has been very hidden from her, as she is sneaking around someone grabs her and covers her mouth. She can’t overpower him. She finds herself tightly hogtied with her elbows bound. He is placing a necktie in her mouth as a cleave gag when she […]

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