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Mila, adorned in a luxurious silk gown over her lingerie, stood before the door to a dimly lit room, a roll of black tape in her hand. With a flick of the switch, the room flooded with light, revealing her boss’s wife, Emma, bound to a chair and struggling against her restraints.
Emma, dressed in alluring black lingerie with layered nylons, was securely zip-tied to the chair, her hands bound behind her back and a nylon stocking hood veiling her face. Mila’s entrance startled her, and as recognition dawned, she uttered Mila’s name in disbelief.
Mila approached Emma with a mischievous grin, planting a teasing kiss through the nylon hood. Emma responded eagerly, prompting Mila to remove the hood, revealing herself fully. Their exchange was charged with flirtatious banter, heightened by their matching attire.
With a seductive sway, Mila circled behind Emma, whispering tantalizing promises of pleasure. Emma’s excitement grew palpable as Mila gagged her tightly with the tape, asserting her dominance and teasing about usurping Emma’s role.
As Mila bound Emma’s ankles to the chair leg with tape, she admired the nylon-clad legs. Succumbing to desire, Mila lavished Emma’s body with kisses, stoking the flames of arousal.

File Name: latb_milaemmachairbound1080p1_bdg.mp4
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 708 MiB
Duration: 18 min 58 s
Resolution: 1920×1080 (16:9)

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