I thought I kept a pretty clean and tidy home, so how did I not notice these huge spiderwebs? They’re so sticky, and it doesn’t take long for me to become trapped in them. The huge spider that made them, introduces themselves to me by jumping on my shoulder and biting my neck.
It doesn’t take long for the venom to kick in, as I start feeling drowsy and confused. My hands are then pulled above my head and webbed to the ceiling. The spider takes full advantage of this. First by untying and slipping off my dress, and then by pulling down my panties.
As I stand there, naked, dazed and confused, the spider begins to spin me around and web me up properly. Starting with my feet and slowly moving up my body, the sticky stringy web is coiled around me, covering every inch of my naked body up to my neck.
At this point the spider jumps up onto my face and fills my mouth with a white substance to gag me. It then continues to wrap web over my head and raised arms, until I’m completely covered and my face is barely visible. Although I’m now covered in the web, I am still able to wiggle a little. The spider fixes this by biting me again, this time on the thigh. This second bite completely knocks me out and I am now left to hang in my giant web cocoon.

File Name: watch_out_for_those_stronge_spider_webs_bdg.mp4
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 1.25 GiB
Duration: 24 min 22 s
Resolution: 1920×1080 (16:9)

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