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Arresting the elusive Alba Zevon is Detective Lottie Lalay’s lifelong dream. Finally she got a hint about her next robbery.
So she’s ready to catch her off guard and submit her. But if apparently Alba was caought by surprise, she proved to be a skilled fighter and easily escaped from lottie’s catch. A fight ensued and dirty tricks used by Alba proved to be too much for the stylish fighter Lottie who got herself ovepowered. Alba doesn’t lose time to tie up the defeated detective teasing her and accusing her to be overconfident and not too smart. Lottie reagisce fiereamente e promette vendetta, ma deve subire l’umiliazione di essere legata. Si ripromette di scappare al più presto, ma, lasciata sola, si rende conto che il compito non sarà facile. Alba è una fine conoscitrice delle tecniche di bondage e già molti detectives si sono fatti legare da lei come salami, strugglin per ore o addirittura giorni, prima di essere trovati sconfitti e umiliati dai loro colleghi. Lottie deve subire la dura legge della sconfitta e viene imbavagliata con white micorfoam tape. Left alone she struggles furiosly. She can’t leti to have her career ruined by her failure. She tries stand up and manages to keep the phone. Alhtough calling for the help of her colleague is just the last resource she mette da parte il proprio orgoglio e cerca di chiamare aiuto. But Alba who was just spying amused her futile efforts comes back and adding far more rope ties up the detective to the chair. Then she kisses her and leaves her alone. Lottie is angered with herself and discomforted. Si rassegna a dover passare la notte nello studio e ad ascoltare le inevitabili lamentele del propietario dei preziosi rubati. But she notices that Alba has lost something in the fight. A very unique earring. Will this the key for Lottie to turn the table on her arch-nemesis…
End of first part.

File Name: catch-a-thief01_bdg.mp4
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 2.95 GiB
Duration: 22 min 4 s
Resolution: 3840×2160 (16:9)

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