Rosie Lynn comes to the massage masseur for a standard massage, stripping down and using a towel to cover her modesty, as the masseur begins using various massage tools on her, dousing her body in oil to lather her up. Over time, the masseur begins to get closer to her intimate parts, slowly working the towel off of her, as he rubs her clit and moves into full on vaginal fingerbanging.
She is turned over, a blindfold put on, her wrists and ankles secured with bondage straps, as various dildos and vibrators are used on her bringing her to multiple bound orgasms.

File Name: rosie_lynn_massage_parlor_gets_more_than_she_bargained_for_bdg.mp4
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 1.65 GiB
Duration: 1 h 1 min
Resolution: 1920×1080 (16:9)

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