Ava Kayley: A Night of Unimaginable Torment
Ava Kayley, a gorgeous brunette, returned home from a glamorous party, her sleek dress hugging her curves and her high heels clicking on the floor. Exhausted, she sank onto the sofa and began to remove her shoes, savoring the relief. Just as she was about to relax, a strange noise caught her attention. Curiosity and concern piqued, she got up to investigate.
As she moved through the dimly lit house, Ava was suddenly overpowered by a shadowy figure from behind. The intruder acted swiftly, binding her hands with expert precision and silencing her with strips of duct tape. Ava’s muffled protests were in vain as he effortlessly lifted her and carried her to the bedroom.
Once there, the intruder stripped away her elegant dress, exposing her beautiful, trembling form. Her legs were tightly bound, and she was left on the bed to struggle helplessly. Ava’s screams through the gag were muffled, her body rolling and writhing in an attempt to free herself from the cruel bindings…

File Name: avahogtiecleavegag_bdg.mp4
Format: MPEG-4
File Size: 818 MiB
Duration: 17 min 38 s
Resolution: 1920×1080 (16:9)

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